Popsané, pánové, je něco jiného, stejně jako už pozorované je něco jiného. Všechno je jinak. Thomas Bernhard: Společnost na lovu. |
Pavla Melková
Pavla Melková (1964)
Pavla Melková is a practicing architect as well as a visual artist and theorist. She is the author of the books Bastion XXXI U Božích muk (Crucifix Bastion XXXI, MCA 2012), Prožívat architekturu (Experiencing Architecture, Arbor vitae 2013), A Table at the Window, A Book Upon the Table (Arbor vitae 2014), Prostor pro člověka v tvorbě Michala Škody (Space for the Human in the Work of Michal Škoda, Arbor vitae 2016), Humanistická role architektury (The Humanist Role of Architecture, Arbor vitae 2016) and the poetry collection Hrany dne (Edges of the Day, Arbor vitae 2017).
With Miroslav Cikán, she is a copartner at MCA Studio they founded in 1996. The studio received a number of awards for realized projects, including the main award at the Grand Prix – National Architecture Award in 2012, the nomination for the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award 2013 and the first prize at the East Centric Arhitext Awards 2013, and won multiple architectural competitions, including the Revitalization of the Crucifix Bastion, Jan Palach Memorial in Všetaty and Masaryk Square in Jihlava.
In 2012, she founded the Public Space Office at the Prague Institute of Planning and Development.
From 2015, she is the head of the Concept and Interpretation program at the Faculty of Architecture at the Czech Technical University in Prague.
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